Schols is a not-for-profit entity. As such, a donation of any amount is hugely welcome and greatly appreciated. Giving supports the College and all of its activities thus, giving future generations of Schols’ girls the best possible chance to become leaders of positive change in an uncertain world.
Gifts directed to the Building Fund are tax deductible.
Major Gifts
Be a part of St Scholastica's future today, by donating to:​
The Scholarship and Bursary Fund:
Over the years, St Scholastica’s College has offered both bursaries and scholarships to many students who otherwise, may not have had access to a Schols’ education. Those girls and their families have benefited from the generosity of previous donors and philanthropists.
We are building up our Scholarship and Bursary Fund so we can continue to support students who might otherwise be unable to benefit from a Schols education. It is an area we are expanding and formalising.
Your support will offer a life-changing educational experience for future students.
The College Building Fund:
Supports necessary building works and ongoing maintenance of facilities.
The Building Master Plan is a blueprint for infrastructure projects over a rolling five to ten year period. All Master Plan projects strive to deliver a balance between optimising teaching and learning spaces while ensuring our approach is environmentally sustainable.
Every donation assists the College in providing cutting edge facilities for the next generation of Schols’ Girls.
Annual Giving
Following on from it's successful launch in 2022, the College Annual Giving Appeal will continue in 2023. Asking members of the College Community and its stakeholders to make a donation in support of our Scholarship and Bursary Fund or College Building Fund.
We intend for the Annual Giving Appeal to become an integral part of fundraising at Schols and for it to involve all members of the community. Many small responses will make a large difference in the life of the College.
A bequest is a meaningful way to contribute to the College community through the education of girls and future leaders. It also provides a way to make a significant gift that you may not find possible during your lifetime.
Making a Will ensures that everything you have worked hard for in your lifetime is passed on to your loved ones and the causes you care about. A bequest is a personal gift of great importance and is a legacy for future generations of Schols girls.
St Scholastica's College recommends consultation with a solicitor in drawing up or amending a Will. It is also recommended that you discuss with family members, and others impacted by your choice, your wishes to make a bequest to the College.
If you would like to speak with someone from the College about making a bequest, please contact the Principal: principal@scholastica.nsw.edu.au.
A Will is a very real way you can help other students at the College for years to come.